See them HERE ($12.50)
Need gift ideas that won't cost you a fortune? In today's post we've come up with a few we think would work for lots of girls & women! These are boutique styles you won't find anywhere else! These would also make great white elephant gifts!
For our first idea, we have these adorable knit headwraps. They are toasty & cozy on your ears and look so cute in your hair! They are comfortable and the perfect alternative to a beanie if you're not a fan of hats!
See them HERE ($3.50 each)
Another great gift idea is our customizable bracelet sets! Choose as many as you'd like at just $3.50 each! Each bracelet has color pairing suggestions if you need ideas for what looks cute together!
Just grab a cute gift box and wrap it up! Or use them as stocking stuffers!
See them HERE
We've also added some super affordable earrings to the shop! These are just a few of our selection! And all of our other earrings are under $20 as well! Great quality & very unique boutique styles you won't find anywhere else!